Search assistant

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Search assistant

To understand search assistant it is important to know how a search works in background.


Normally a replication source provides several numbers, work, home, mobile... A LDAP search has to search all these number fields to find a match. This would lead to a very long search request. For this reason MetaServices provides some shortened search constants.


Predefined LDAP search „searchnumber" contains all available fields for a number search

Predefined LDAP search „searchcontact" contains all available fields for a contact search

Predefined LDAP search „searchindividual" contains all available fields for an individual search


So on imcoming calls the server performs a "searchnumber" search request. In search assistant it is possible to configure which LDAP fields should be included in the number search. "searchcontact" and "searchindividual" are only available in client search requests in SwyxIt!/NetPhone Client.

