Call instant delivery


Default value: 0

This value affects the delivery of calls in the queue. If instant call delivery is set to "0" the calls are queued and delivered in exact the same order as they are added to the queue. If instant call delivery is set to "1" the call queue tries to deliver calls faster and in a random order.


Example: Instant call delivery set to "0"

Call on position 1, destination group 50

Call on position 2, destination group 50


If call on position 1 is delivered to an agent the next call is delivered to this group. If this group has a sequential, rotary or random delivery mode set, the other agents in this group have to wait until the first agent whose phone is ringing picks up and answers the call.


Example: Instant call delivery set to "1"

Call on position 1, destination group 50

Call on position 2, destination group 50


Both calls will be delivered simultaneously to the group. Two phones are ringing at the same time and the call can be answered more quickly. The amount of calls delivered simultaneously is limited to the amount of logged on and free agents in the destination set.


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