

Contains a list of all logged on members of a group (File: QueueMembers.html)


<%QueueMembersLoggedOnList:EveryOne%>                Returns a list of all logged on members for the selected group including the table headers

<%QueueMembersLoggedOffList:EveryOne%>                Returns a list of all logged off members for the selected group including the table headers

<%QueueMembersLoggedOnOffList:EveryOne%>                Returns a joined list of all logged on AND off members for the selected group including the table headers


<%QueueMembersLoggedOnList:EveryOne%>                Returns a list of all logged on members for the selected group without the table headers

<%QueueMembersLoggedOffList/Body:EveryOne%>        Returns a list of all logged off members for the selected group without the table headers

<%QueueMembersLoggedOnOffList/Body:EveryOne%>        Returns a joined list of all logged on AND off members for the selected group without the table headers


Optional tags in HTML file:

Set MemberListURL:                                                URL for queue members logon action link

Set QueueMembersMin:                                        Minimum members that have to be logged on

Set QueueMembersMax:                                        Maximum members that can be logged on

Set QueueMembersLogging:                                        Activate logging, log files are saved in the reports folder in the installation folder

Set MemberPostProcessingFormat:                                Sets the time format for post processing time

Set MemberPostProcessingTime:                                Sets the post processing time in seconds (-1 = infinite / paused)

Set MemberAddCallToLink:                                        Activates or deactivates the callto link on a user

Set MemberAddCallToLinkToRedirectionInfo:                        Activates or deactivates the callto link on a redirected user to directly call its redirection destination

Set MemberShowRedirectionInfo:                                Activates or deactivates the redirection info in redirection information of a user. This info shows the redirection destination of a user

Set MemberShowOwnUserOnly:                                Shows only the own user in members list. All other user will not be shown

Set MemberShowOwnActionOnly:                                Shows only the action buttons (log on, off, ect.) on the own user in members list. See example and annotations below

Set MemberShowOwnStatusOnly:                                Shows only the own status of mobile extension settings


Hiding columns from view:

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns1=1

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns2=2

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns3=3

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns4=4

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns5=5


To hide a column, remove the "!" in front of the tag in the corresponding HTML-file


Hiding actions from view:

Set QueueMembersListHideTimeAdd:                                Hides the add post processing time column

Set QueueMembersListHideTimeReset:                        Hides the reset post processing time column

Set QueueMembersListHideTime:                                Hides the time from the post processing column


To hide a column, remove the "!" in front of the tag in the corresponding HTML-file


User state column:

Set MemberNumberPrefix=+49xxxxxxxxxx                        Prefix for callto: link for internal numbers to dial number directly from HTML-page

Set MemberStateNoText=0,1                                        Adds the users state but suppresses the text leaving only the background color


Example 1 (used in QueueMembers.html):

Set MemberStateNoText=0

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns2=2



Column 2 that normally contains the internal number with the prefix +4972178167 is hidden

Column 3 contains "alerting"

Column 4 contains the links for logging off from the group

Column 5 contains the links for increasing and resetting post processing time


Example 2 (used in StatusMembers.html):

Set MemberNumberPrefix=+49xxxxxxxxxx

Set MemberStateNoText=1

Set QueueMembersListHiddenColumns4=4



Column 2 contains the internal number with the prefix +4972178167

Column 3 contains no text but has a colored background

Column 4 that normally contains the link for logging off from the group is hidden

Column 5 contains the links for increasing and resetting post processing time


Example 3 (showing only own actions)

Set MemberShowOwnActionOnly=1


Now it is no longer possible for a user to change the status of other users in its group. To use this feature SwyxWare user name needs to be passed to Queue Controller.

To pass the SwyxWare user name into web extension to Queue Controller the parameter "OwnName" needs to be added to the url of the group members view.




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