Recursive tags


Recursive tags can be used to pass parameters to a tag within a page:


<%Set Tag1=<%Tag2%>%>


To set the inner tag (Tag2) add this parameter to the query of the calling url like http://localhost:81/File.html?Tag2=Value. Tag2 is replaced by the String "Value" and is then parsed the normal way. This recursive parsing is iterated only 1 level of depth and only parameters used in the calling url are resolved.






In the Groups.html file the tag can be something like this: <%QueueMembersLoggedOnOffList:<%GroupDisplayName%>%>. So calling this page with "Support" as parameter will display the page with all members of group "Support". Calling the same page with "Sales" shows "Sales" group instead. So there is no need to create two separate pages.

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