Return values


Return values

The call queue block has several return values, depending on the conditions and actions executed within the call queue. These return values can be uses to add further actions in ECR-scripts. For standard CRM-script an evaluation of these return values is not possible.






Logged off processing        

11        Call connected to logged off destination

12        Call connected to logged off special voicemail

13        Call connected to call queue default voicemail


Closed queue processing

70        Queue is closed

71        Call connected to closed queue destination

72        Call connected to closed queue special voicemail

73        Call connected to call queue default voicemail


Escalation processing        

21        Call connected to escalation destination

22        Call connected to escalation special voicemail

23        Call connected to call queue default voicemail        


Error processing        

31        Call connected to error destination        

32        Call connected to error special voicemail        

33        Call connected to call queue default voicemail


Call Queue processing        

41        Call connected to destination

42        Common error while processing the call in the queue. See trace for further details

43        Call lost

44        Queue size exceeded

45        Destination unreachable / logged off

46        Call timeout has been reached        

47        Escalation timeout has been reached

48        Call aborted

49        Selection pressed


51        Call connected to queue special voicemail

53        Call connected to default voicemail


61        Call connected to selection destination        

62        Call connected to selection special voicemail        

63        Call connected to default voicemail        

64        Caller requested a callback

65        Call exited the queue - DTMF digit pressed will be added to the return value (650...659, 6511, 6512)


91        Error creating queue

92        Error adding call to queue

97        Invalid license (invalid call property set)

98        Invalid license (maximum queue count exceeded)

99        Invalid license (license invalid, evaluation period expired)

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