Supplementary parameters


Supplementary parameters

Each destination can be appended with supplementary parameters. These parameters have to be placed in brackets and separated with a semi-colon.





[Alert=All or FreeOnly]

Sets the alerting type for that destination


All numbers will be included in call delivery. This parameter is the default so it can be omitted


Only free numbers will be included in call delivery


Example: 69[Alert=FreeOnly]

Destination number is a group number 69 that contains the agents 10, 12, 60 and 62. If alerting type is set to "All", the call is delivered to the group number directly. If alerting type is set to "FreeOnly" the group is resolved to its members and only free agents are used for call delivery. This prevents ringing on hard phone if the soft client is logged off or agents has any away or DND state.


[Device=H323Client or Mobile or PhoneLxxx or PhoneSxxx or SIPClient or SoftClient or Conference or Gateway or SIPGateway or Link or Fax]

Sets the device for call delivery


Device logged in as H323 device


SwyxIt! mobile device


SwyxPhones Lxxx series


SwyxPhones Sxxx series


Device logged in as SIP device


Swyx conference user


SwyxIt! client


ISDN gateway


SIP gateway






Example: If a user has a logged on SwyxIt! mobile device that should not be included in call delivery set the device type to "SoftClient". The call will be delivery to SwyxIt! client only. To deliver the call to multiple devices add them separated by a "."



Defines the post processing time a user is locked for call delivery after finishing his call


Time in seconds


Using -1 as value for seconds the post processing time is set to infinite. The user's post processing time is displayed as "paused" in web front-end.


Annotation: Setting a post processing time on a group number automatically sets the alerting type to "FreeOnly". This is necessary because the call has to be delivered only to agents whose post processing time has elapsed.


[StateChecking=Strict or Device or Always or Remote1..Remote9]

Defines the logon state checking method


Checks the logon state of this destination based on SwyxWare logon state (as shown in SwyxIt! Client)


Checks the logon state of this destination based on device response


Assumes that destination is free, used for external destinations. If the number is not a valid internal number in SwyxWare this parameter is implicitly set


Remote server 1, checks the logon state on a remote server set in remote servers parameter


Remote server 9, checks the logon state on a remote server set in remote servers parameter


Annotation: For backward compatibility the logon state checking method can also be set by a suffix added to the destination number.

"d" = Device

"s" = Strict

"a" = Always

"r1" = Remote server 1

"r2" = Remote server 2


"r9" = Remote server 9


[ResolveGroupNumber=Yes or No]


If the destination number is a group number the number is resolved to its agents


It the delivery mode resolves group numbers and this parameter is set to "No", group resolution is suppressed



Supplementary parameters should be used with care. Not any combination is possible or logically correct. Normally using PostProcessingTime and StateChecking is absolutely sufficient.


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