Call priority


Default value: 2

This value set the priority of the caller in the call queue

1 - Add caller to top of queue

2 - Add caller to bottom of queue

3 - Add caller to top of queue after all other calls with top position



Call A and B is already in queue. A and B has been added with priority 2.


1. A caller C with priority 1 is added. The queue order is C, A, B (C is always added to the top)

2. A caller D with priority 1 is added. The queue order is D, C, A, B (D is always added to the top)

3. A caller E with priority 3 is added. The queue order is D, C, E, A, B (E is added after all calls with priority 1)

4. A caller F with priority 2 is added. The queue order is D, C, E, A, B, F (F is added to the end)


Priority classes:

It is possible to add a priority class to each priority level. A priority class is a closed set of calls with own priority levels. A priority class is added at the end of the priority level separated with a "|".

Priority classes enables the queue to prefer calls such as emergency calls before VIP calls and all other calls in one single queue. All emergency calls get class 1, VIP calls class 2 and all other calls class 3. Only using priority 1, 2 or 3 without classes would sort all priority 1 calls at the top of the queue, so VIP calls would be preferred before emergency calls.



Using value 2|1 adds a call A to the end of class 1.

Using value 2|2 adds a call B to the end of class 2.


There are 2 calls in the queue. Each call is in a separate priority class. The order is A, B.


Using value 2|1 again adds a call C to the end of class 1. The order is now A, C, B.

Using value 1|1 which means "top of queue" and "class 1" adds a call D to the top of class 1. The order is now D, A, C, B where calls D, A, C belongs to class 1 and call B belongs to class 2.

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