

Contains a list with all queues (File: QueueList.html)


<%QueueList%>                                Returns a list of all queues including the html table headers

<%QueueList/Body%>                        Returns a list of all queues without the table headers


Optional tags in HTML file:

Set QueueCallsURL:                                URL for queue calls link


Hiding queues from view:

Set QueueHide1=QueueID

Set QueueHide2=QueueID

Set QueueHide3=QueueID


Set QueueHideX=QueueID


Do not use Hide and Show on the same page


Show only queues in view:

Set QueueShow1=QueueID

Set QueueShow2=QueueID

Set QueueShow3=QueueID


Set QueueShowX=QueueID


Do not use Hide and Show on the same page


Hiding columns from view:

Set QueueListHiddenColumns1=1

Set QueueListHiddenColumns2=2

Set QueueListHiddenColumns3=3


To hide a column, remove the "!" in front of the tag in the corresponding HTML-file


Hiding maximum queue members from view:

Set QueueListHideSize=1


Hides the maximum number of callers allowed to enter the queue from the view

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