All information in queue controller are volatile by default. It is possible to store persistent information regarding calls, users, queues or any other information into the database. These information can be set and retrieved by using call routing scripts or web pages.
This mechanism can be used to change values like announcements in web front end and retrieve these values from call routing very easily. There is no need to develop complex web pages or call routing scripts that do any kind of database requests.
All persistent information are stored in a database. Storing these information in text files like logging logon or logoff from groups or call detail records is not supported. The access the database the settings using config tool or directly in registry need to be changed.
Creating connection to a database:
•Create the database (preferred name is "CDR")
•Open registry editor regedit.exe
•Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3iMedia\Call Queue Controller for SwyxWare
•Set LoggingConnectionString to "Driver={SQL Server};Server=[ServerName];Database=[DatabaseName];Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
The tables should be created automatically in the database connected by the connection string. See windows event log for error messages concerning database operations. Changes in the connection string should take effect immediately. The default connection string in registry should work on MS SQL Server 2000.
The table created in the database has the following fields.
Field name |
Description |
ID |
Unique identifier (created automatically) |
DataGroup |
Value to group multiple key value pairs to a group |
DataKey |
Key of a key value pair |
DataValue |
Value of a key value pair |
AssociatedGroup |
Group ID or group name to associate the keys and values to a SwyxWare group |
AssociatedUser |
User ID or user name to associate the keys and values to a SwyxWare user |
AssociatedQueueID |
Queue ID or queue name to associate the keys and values to a specific queue |
AssociatedCallID |
Call ID to associate the keys and values to a specific call |
LifeTime |
Lifetime in seconds the value can be retrieved from database. Using 0 for infinite. |
DateCreated |
Timestamp of date of creation |
Using the connection string for SQL Server the SwyxWare account is used connecting to the database. This account needs sufficient rights to that database. Otherwise the following connection string can be used instead:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=[ServerName];Database=[DatabaseName];Uid=[Username];Pwd=[Password] (values in braces need to be replaced by there real values)
A list of connection strings for other databases can be found on The connection string for an ODBC connection should be used.
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