The most simple way to create a new queue is by using AdminCenter.
AdminCenter consists of two parts. A call routing user in SwyxWare and the web front end for queue configuration and editing. To assign numbers from SwyxWare in AdminCenter, the numbers have to be assigned in SwyxWare Administration first.
The SwyxWare user used for AdminCenter is called "Hotline(s)". All numbers assigned to this user will be available in AdminCenter automatically.
After assigning the numbers in SwyxWare a new default queue can be created by using the plus-sign on Queue Controller start page (http://localhost:81).
The help is included in Admin Center itself. Each tile has a help button to show or hide context sensitive information.
Using AdminCenter many parameters can be configured. AdminCenter is intended to be used on default scenarios. On more complex routing scenarios it might be better to built an ECR routing using SwyxWare ECR capabilities. There is no possibility to convert between AdminCenter and ECR routing and vice versa.
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