Call forwarding destination
Call forwarding destinations are grouped in destination sets and have to start with a delivery mode. Each destination set is separated by a "|". To control the call delivery each destination set can suffixed by supplementary parameters and special parameters for that delivery mode.
This forwarding destination has 2 destination sets with delivery mode "TimeAdv2"
TimeAdv2: |
Delivery mode |
69;70[Alert=FreeOnly],10,10 |
First destination set |
69;70 |
Destination number (parallel call to 69 and 70) |
[Alert=FreeOnly] |
,10,10 |
Destination mode parameters |
70[StateChecking=Always,Device=Mobile],10,0 |
Second destination set |
70 |
Destination number |
[StateCheckingAlways,Device=Mobile] |
,10,0 |
Destination mode parameters |
Further information can be found in the following chapters. See chapter group handling to understand how calls are delivered to groups and what special groups are created in SwyxWare.
Example 1:
Simple|69 or 69
Delivers the call to number 69 without any special options
Example 2:
Delivers the call to number 69 and 70. If these numbers are group numbers, both groups are resolved to its members in the order set in the corresponding group.
Example 3:
Delivers the call in sequential order to the number 69, 70 and 80. If these numbers are group numbers, groups 69 and 70 are resolved to its members. Group 80 is not resolved and the call is delivered to free members only in that group by using SwyxWare parallel call feature.
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