Default value: 0
Is this parameter is set to "1" the call queue evaluates a locked line key for the destination as logged off.
The call queue for the operator has the destination set "Preferred;60,10,0;61,20,0". That means the call queue tries to deliver the call first to the destination 60 and if that user is not logged on or free the call queue delivers the call to destination 61.
If destination 60 is logged on and destination 61 is logged on but has his line key for 61 locked, the call queue will assume that there is still somebody to take the call. If the destination 61 is only standby operator and has his line key locked normally it doesn't make sense to let a caller wait in the queue.
Setting this parameter to "1" lets the call queue evaluate this condition as logged off too. So if all callers in the destination sets are logged off or locked their line keys the logged off condition is executed.
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