Default value: [localhost:81],[+49...]|[remotehost:81],[+49...]
This value defines the remote server sets that can be used for logon state checking on remote servers. On the remote server a 3iMedia Call Queue Controller is needed as well.
As described in chapter call forwarding destination each destination can be suffixed with a destination logon state checking flag ("s", "d", "a" or "r1".."r9"). The "r1"..."r9" flags correspond to the remote server sets in this chapter.
The destination set 10r1 checks the internal destination 10 on the server on port 81 and connects to +4972178167-10 if this destination is free.
The destination set 20r2 checks the internal destination 20 on the server on port 81 and connects to +492314777-20 if this destination is free.
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