Default value: 1
The call queue distinguishes between two logon state checking methods.
If strict logon state checking is activated the logon state is checked on base of the SwyxWare logon state shown in SwyxWare Administration.
In SwyxWare Administration only SwyxIt! is marked as logon device on the devices tab in SwyxWare Administration. If SwyxIt! and SwyxPhone are logged on, the user is marked as logged on. If the user logs off SwyxIt! he will be marked as logged off although his SwyxPhone remains logged on. This logon state is that state that is displayed on the name keys in SwyxIt!
Group 69:
Member A, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Member B, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Member C, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Group 69 is logged off, if all SwyxIt!s are closed.
If strict logon state checking is deactivated the logon state is checked on base of device state.
A user is displayed as logged off in SwyxWare Administration but his SwyxPhone is logged on. The user could pick up the call, so the call queue will assume the user as logged on. In this scenario the states of the lines in SwyxIt! and SwyxPhone are included in logon state checking process.
Group 69:
Member A, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Member B, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Member C, SwyxIt! in CTI Mode with SwyxPhone (Logon Device only SwyxIt!)
Group 69 is logged off, it all SwyxIt!s and SwyxPhones are logged off or no SwyxPhone has a configured free line for destination number 69.
This behaviour can be overwritten for each destination by adding a suffix like "d", "s", "a" or "r1..9" to the destination. See call queue forwarding destinations
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