Group handling
Each group number that is used for call delivery has to be created in SwyxWare administration first. Queue Controller creates additional groups for each group used in call delivery or web front-end. Together with the original created group there are the following groups described below:
Example: Group "Support"
If a group "Support" is created in the administration with a number 69 and the first call will be delivered to this number, the Queue Controller creates additional groups.
Group "Support":
This group has to be created manually. All needed members in that group.
Group "Support (logged off)":
All members that are logged off via front-end or by phone are moved to this group. This group is used to display the logged off members in front-end. After logging on an user again the user is moved back to the "Support" group.
Group "Support (sorted)":
This group contains all users from both groups "Support" and "Support (logged off)". This group is needed for any delivery mode that needs a sorted list of agents (like sequential delivery mode). So reordering of members in that group with SwyxWare administration is possible.
If Queue Controller resolves a group used by a delivery mode the group members will be returned in the order set in this group.
Group "Support (logon control)":
All members in this group are automatically logged of and on in that group if the SwyxWare state changes from logged on to off and vice versa.
Group "Support (supervisor)":
Members in this group are supervisors for all agents in that group. Using default views supervisors are able to fully control all agents in that group. Supervisors are also able to see all calls for each agent in that group.
Group "Support (view only)":
Members in this group are able to see all agents in that group using default views but they are not able to perform any actions.
Group synchronization mechanism:
Groups are synchronized automatically
•Adding a new member to the "Support" group also adds this member to the "Support (sorted)" group
•Adding a new member to the "Support (logged off)" group also adds this member to the "Support (sorted)" group
•Removing a member from the "Support" group also removes this member from the "Support (sorted)" group
•Removing a member from the "Support (logged off)" group also removes this member from the "Support (sorted)" group
•Removing members from the "Support (sorted)" group is not supported
Please be aware that it can take some seconds to create the new groups and read the new membership entries from SwyxWare. So the first call to a group with a delivery mode that needs group resolution may fail.
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