Call pickup from Phone or SwyxIt! Client or website


There are 2 possibilities to pickup a call from a queue. This can be done by one of the following steps:


Using Skin or browser:

The installed skins delivered with this solution already include the correct url to pickup a call from a queue. On self built skins the url used in the Web Extension has to be similar to that:


Example: Call pickup destination is 60




http://%ActiveServerName%:81/Actions.html?QueueID=X&PickupDestination=Frank Schmidt



The OwnName variable is parsed by SwyxIt! Client with the name of the logged on user.


Using a call routing script:

Users not using SwyxIt! Client or a PC with a browser are also able to pickup a call from a queue simply by using a name key on a Phone. The CallQueuePickupCall action block can be used to pickup the first call from a specific queue. By default the call will be delivered to the user calling the script that includes this ECR action block.



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