Call selection key 0..9, *, #, timeout


Call selection key 0..9, *, #, timeout

These parameters offer the possibility to set the actions for the different IVR inputs within the selection menu.


Possible actions are:











DTMF key is disabled and not available for the selection menu



This action does nothing but has two use cases:

In conjunction with the selection key timeout parameter it can be used to force a caller to press a digit on his phone to stay in the queue. So the announcement says "Please press 1 to stay in the line" If the caller pressed nothing the selection key time puts him to the voicemail.

Even if not using a voicemail or selection menu timeout and the announcement says "Please press 1 to stay in the line" the caller needs the possibility to press a key. As the DTMF key would be disabled by using "Nothing" as value "Dummy" has to be used instead



Transfers the call to the selection voicemail



Transfers the call to the corresponding destination and proceeds with the call routing of that destination



The simple callback removes the call from the queue and puts him to the callback request list in the web front end. If the caller doesn't transmit a caller id the caller id is asked by a dtmf input sequence and used as callback number.



The advanced callback works like the simple callback but the caller stays virtually in the queue. It moves to the top position just as he would in the queue. If the caller would have been on position 1, the call is removed from the queue and put in the callback request list.



The restrict recording option offers a possibility for the caller to choose if call recording or call monitoring should be activated. This choice results in the following behavior:

The marker color in the active calls view changes to red

The monitoring options for this call the are normally offered as callto link will be hidden

There is currently no option to disable call recording during a call automatically



Exits the call queue with a return value 65 + number of DTMF digit pressed (655 if 5 has been pressed).

For * the return value is 6511

For # the return value is 6512


The corresponding destination parameter sets the destination the call is connected to if the call queue selection key entry is set to "Connect"


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