ECR example


The included ECR example can be used in that way:


Import the GroupLogonLogoff.rse in GSE editor into a new created ECR rule. Save this rule and activate it. This rule should be used on a dummy user in SwyxWare.




Group name

Name of group the calling user should be added to

Minimum members in group

Minimum amount of possible members in that group

Maximum members in group

Maximum amount of possible members in that group


Enables or disables logging on a logon or logoff action


To log on a member to a group, just call the number of the call routing user and add a "1" to the dialed number. To log off the member again add a "0" to the dialed number



Dummy user has number 100. For logging on user with name "User1" to the group "Group1", set "Group1" as group name parameter in the ECR rule and call 1001 from the phone or SwyxIt! of "User1". To log off this user again, call 1000. This sample script always logs on and off the calling user. It is not possible to log on or off another user. To do so use the ECR action blocks used in this example script. With these action blocks it is also possible to add and remove users from groups by calling from an external phone.

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