Multiple destinations with random destination


Multiple destinations with random destination



In this scenario the call will be randomly delivered to the destination sets. The call delivery always starts with a random destination set. Groups are resolved to agents before delivering the call. So destination are displayed in CDR as users and not as groups.




Destination 50 is a group with members 10,11 and 12

Destination 51 is a group with members 20 and 21

Destination 52 is a user


The call will be delivered in that way:

Resolve group 50 to users, add users to destination list, resulting list is 10,11,12

Resolve group 51 to users, add users to destination list, resulting list is 10,11,12,20,21

Resolve user 52 to user, add user to destination list, resulting list is 10,11,12,20,21,52

Pick one user from the list and deliver the call if user is free


Different sequential modes:


The destination group is resolved as described above.

The call will be delivered to each destination in this group.



The destination group is not resolved.

The call will be delivered to the destination.

If the destination is a group number, SwyxWare will perform the group delivery itself.



The call queue starts on every connection attempt with the previous destination. If this destination is logged off or busy the destination is skipped and the next destination in the list is selected.

The difference to SwyxWare rotary call delivery is that in SwyxWare itself the rotary delivery is done within the same delivery attempt

If groups are used as destination, the resolved users are not in the order defined in the group in SwyxWare Administration


More options:

For more options to control call delivery see supplementary parameters



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